Fiat 1.0 and Lancia Ypsilon 1.0 Hybrid 2020 > Petrol (Fiat Firley)
with Engine: No. 46341162 52 kW (71 HP) 2020-2023 >
For customers who already have Art. 907 310 00
Set 907 310 50 includes:
907 310 60 camshaft locking tool OEM
907 310 70 Flywheel Locking Tool OEM 2.031.900.091
907 310 00 From the set 907 310 00 you need to "select" it for this engine
907 310 20 Crankshaft Pulley Retaining Tool OEM 2064000090
Original numbers of OEM tools:, 2.031.900.091
2072000090 2031900091
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Customer: Ja...le, Date of purchase 10-02-2025 13:53
Customer: Jy...aa, Date of purchase 30-01-2025 11:43
Customer:, Date of purchase 18-11-2024 10:01
Customer: JO...RA, Date of purchase 18-10-2024 08:42