Timing lock set Opel 1,5 D F15 / DV5RCE with timing chain,
Diesel engines installed in all models
ASTRA K (2015-), INSIGNIA B (2017-) codes D15DVC, D15DVH, F15DVC, F15DVH
EN50513, EN52438100, EN52438400, EN52476, EN52769, EN52771, EN52783,EN-50513,EN-52438-100,EN-52438-400,EN-52476,EN-52769,EN-52771,EN-52 783,EN50 513EN52438100,EN52438400 , EN52476,EN-52769,EN-52771,EN-52783,50513,52438,52769,52476
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Customer: GR...PO, Date of purchase 13-02-2025 08:45
Customer: Mi...ma, Date of purchase 03-12-2024 09:42